Agilent 8935 Series E6380A CDMA Base Station Test Set Firmware Enhancements Update

A.01.10 Release Enhancements, July 1998



Absolute Walsh Code Power

Now, in the CDMA Code Domain screen, the E6380A provides a display and reading of the absolute power in each Walsh channel. The instrument simultaneously makes channel power and code domain power measurements on the same measurement sample and then displays the results in absolute power terms (dBm instead of dBc). This allows you to easily check/set absolute pilot power.

Non-Intrusive Rho Measurements

This enhancement provides "Estimated" or "Computed" rho measurement that do not require base station to be taken "off the air." Users can now monitor modulation quality on live, traffic carrying base stations. IS-97 defines rho for a "Pilot only signal." With the new computed rho feature, an accurate rho estimate is derived based on active Walsh channels.

30 kHz Channel Power Measurements

The E6380A now measures power in a 30 kHz bandwidth for both AMPS power measurements and CDMA adjacent channel power measurements.

Simultaneous Marker Reading

This latest feature provides you with a simultaneous display of code domain power, timing and phase of a particular Walsh channel.

PN Offset Search

The E6380A will now search through PN offsets and will find the best correlation. This allows measurements to be made without the requirement for an even second clock reference and knowledge of a base station s PN offset.

Spectrum Analyzer Delta Marker

This latest feature provides delta marker functionality on the spectrum analyzer screen. You simply position the marker at a reference, go to the "delta marker" mode and then position a second marker relative to the first. The E6380A then displays amplitude delta in dB.

Decoder for NAMPS

This feature enables AMPS/NAMPS signaling capability similar to the 8921A base station test set.